international sea agency web 1

Agency for international app texts and website content

  • Qualified content concepts for international websites, apps and stores
  • Text creation with a focus on your target groups and target markets
  • Text agency with international experience

As an agency for international web content we at qwp will work with you to develop a comprehensive Content concept and take into account the relevant target groups and keywords for the respective market. On the basis of the concept, we create appealing content for you that you can use for Customer acquisition support.

"With a content concept tailored to your company, we help you enter international markets with high-quality content. With our web content, you will find the ideal customer approach to convince them of your products and services."

Michael Q
Michael Quast
Managing Director qwp
Copywriting & content concepts

What can you expect from text creation by qwp?

Creation of specially tailored content concepts and strategies

Entering a new international market requires a content strategy specially developed for your company, which qwp will design together with you. In the first phase, the targeted market is comprehensively analyzed by our specialists: qwp identifies and compares existing offers or services from competitors. In the second phase, the target group is precisely defined for each country in order to find the perfect customer approach when creating the text. The technical requirements necessary to publish international content are also created as part of the content concepts. After the keyword research, we create the perfect content with which you can conquer international markets.

Copywriting for international clients

Our agency creates texts and content for internationally active clients. Based on the relevant keywords, we create appealing content with a customer approach that corresponds to your company's philosophy. We ensure a consistent tone of voice, take local customs into account, use specific technical vocabulary where necessary and always ensure a high level of comprehensibility. All texts are optimized for search engine ranking (SEO). Our services also include final proofreading and quality editing for the chosen content tool. Instead of simply translating existing content word for word, we focus on transcreation: every text is adapted to the linguistic, cultural and geographical conditions of the target market. This textual adaptation not only requires our copywriters and translators to have a great feel for language, but also a high degree of creativity, intercultural competence and experience with a wide variety of text types - from creative advertising copy to specialist texts and UX writing. This is why we put together a dedicated team for each individual project, which is familiar with the special requirements of multilingual texts and can advise you appropriately.

Content concept for international websites

What does a content concept for international websites look like?

  • Planning and construction:
  • Which market do we want to develop? 
  • What is the competitive situation? 
  • What potential does the market offer? 
  • Which sales channel is best suited? 
  • What goals do we want to achieve in the respective market? 
  • Technical requirements:
  • Is there a separate domain or directory for the new market? 
  • Where does the target group operate - mobile, desktop or in an app? 
  • Which content tools should be used? 
  • Definition of target groups:
  • Which target groups are we addressing with our product or service? 
  • Are there significant differences to the core market? 
  • How homogeneous is the target group? 
  • Copywriting for international websites:
  • Which keywords are relevant in which market? 
  • What other SEO aspects need to be considered? 
  • How can the content set itself apart from the competition? 
  • How is the target group addressed? 
  • Is the correct technical vocabulary used? 
  • Correction and post-processing:
  • Have all keywords been used correctly? 
  • Are there any local terms that have not been taken into account? 
  • Is the quality equally high for customers and search engines? 
  • Publication of the web content:
  • Is there an editorial plan?  
  • When is which content published? 
  • Does the time of publication differ from market to market? 
  • Quality control and performance monitoring:
  • How well is the website positioned? 
  • Is there duplicate content? 
  • Is the keyword density ideal? 
  • Are all contents and links still up to date?
Importance of the content concept

Why are a content concept and strategy so important?

Content concept as the key to success for your company

Visibility on the web is no coincidence, but the result of a well-thought-out strategy. Companies can only position themselves internationally with unique content that is perfectly tailored to the respective market. The content concept is an elementary part of your marketing strategy. First, the goals, target groups and positioning of your company are analyzed and the respective market and competitive situation is considered. This analysis forms the basis for your content concept. The right content shapes the brand image and supports credibility in new markets. Visibility not only leads to increased attractiveness as an employer, it also has a positive effect on customer loyalty and the acquisition of new customers.

Target definition for a successful international content strategy

Without an individually developed content concept with a clearly formulated objective, the internationalization project will be virtually impossible to implement. This is because a missing and imprecise definition of objectives in international copywriting usually means that a lot of potential remains untapped. For every market and every publication, the question must be asked in advance: "What should be achieved with the content created?". The goals of content creation can be, for example, to increase brand awareness in the new market, to get more traffic to the website, to improve the ranking in search engines, to position your own company or product or service or to increase sales. A content audit in the core market could form the basis for international alignment. What works very successfully here and can this be transferred to the new market? Are there new potential target groups and how can they be optimally addressed? All these questions are the building blocks for a successful international content strategy.

Copywriting for customer acquisition

How should website texts for customer acquisition be designed?

  • Create advisory texts:
    Do not place the sale of products at the center of all content. Rather, customers want to be advised so that they can make an informed decision about your product or service. If well formulated, advice texts and instructions for use will inevitably lead to a positive purchase decision. 
  • Storytelling:
    Bring your brand and your products/services to life with good storytelling. With stories, messages are conveyed more easily, information can be processed better and customers become emotionally attached to your product or service, creating a positive brand image. 
  • Focus on the target group:
    Speak the language of your target group when creating content. SEO texts should not only appeal to search engines, but also to real readers. Texts that are only optimized for search engines miss their mark. 
  • High quality:
    The website texts created should not only be of the highest quality in terms of content, but also in terms of structure, language and form. A common thread, a sensible structure and correct spelling and grammar demonstrate professionalism and show appreciation for the reader.  
  • Create trust:
    The texts should establish a relationship of trust with the customer. Pure sales texts or the enumeration of countless advantages arouse skepticism. Convince with well-founded arguments within the web content. Emphasize unique selling points that clearly set you apart from the competition.
Copywriting for international websites

What needs to be considered when creating text for the web?

Creating search engine texts for international websites

Never before has more content been consumed than today. Digital media has also led to a new way of reading texts. Print and online media differ significantly in terms of reception behavior: People who pick up a newspaper or a book often take their time, flicking through the pages or putting the text to one side to continue reading later. But people who read online texts are usually looking for very specific information very quickly. Texts are not read from beginning to end, but only skimmed and scanned for relevant content. If this information is missing or cannot be grasped quickly enough, the reader jumps off and moves on to the next website. Digital content must therefore be tailored to the typical reading behavior of Internet users. In addition, online texts must first of all be found via search engines. However, it is now a thing of the past to assume that texts should only be search engine friendly. Text creation requires the perfect combination of content optimized for search engines and relevant content that appeals to readers online. Based on keyword research, texts must be written in an exciting and informative way.

What different types of text exist on the web?

Text types from the print sector have evolved through digital media. Other formats, such as blogs or posts, have only emerged through the internet. Each type of text has its own requirements. Depending on the type of text and target group, different criteria must be observed with regard to content, structure, length, wording and tonality. Content on the web can inform, advise and entertain. 
In online retail, for example, products, services or offers are described informatively in order to highlight their added value. If relevant information can be conveyed in an appealing or even emotional way, this can have a positive influence on the customer's purchasing decision. This is why product, category and service descriptions are among the most popular types of text used by webshops, marketplaces and service providers alike. Landing pages also focus on a specific offer. The first impression counts here, as users often only spend a few seconds on landing pages and then click on through. From an SEO point of view, every page of a website that is registered by the search engine is also a landing page. Therefore, every landing page should meet the user's expectations, provide relevant content for the search terms and encourage the user to interact further. Regular new content with good storytelling is important for social media and blogs, for example. Posts for a corporate blog can contribute to a positive brand image. For specialist websites, on the other hand, a guide, encyclopaedia or glossary can provide valuable support.

Structure of online texts

What is the best way to structure web content?

  • Paragraphs: When creating text, the content must be divided into meaningful sections to ensure optimal readability. 
  • Subheadings: The insertion of subheadings creates points of reference for the reader, who can return to the text at any time. 
  • Enumerations and numbering: Enumerations and numbering have a positive effect on readability and the compilation of facts. 
  • Emphasis: You can use highlighting to emphasize important aspects. 
  • Table of contents: A table of contents is a valuable aid for particularly long texts. 
  • Pictures and videos: Enrich the online text with images and videos to ensure a positive user experience. 
  • Links and call-to-actions: With calls to action - e.g. to register, subscribe to a newsletter or redeem an offer - users can be persuaded to click so that the conversion rate is improved. 
International copywriting

What characterizes good online texts?

Tips for qualitative web content

A key term in SEO is unique content: content should stand out from existing content through its uniqueness, individuality and quality. In addition to a high level of comprehensibility, the flow of reading is an important requirement for text creation. Use structuring elements such as paragraphs, headings and lists. Despite the recommended keywords from an SEO perspective, the text should appear organic and not give the impression of having been written for a search engine. The content determines the length: even with extensive texts, the relevance of the topic must be guaranteed. For international websites, it is also important to ensure that all texts can be translated, adapted and localized for different markets.

International copywriting by native speakers

Particularly in the case of content created for international markets, differences in the quality of the text are very apparent - for example due to an incorrect or inappropriate translation. A high level of quality can only be guaranteed by native speakers who are not only familiar with all the linguistic peculiarities of the target market, but also with the cultural background. Each language area has its own special features that need to be taken into account when creating content. If the characteristic differences from country to country are taken into account, this creates trust with local customers.  

These customers trust qwp

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What is transcreation?

Transcreation is more than translation

What does transcreation mean with regard to the internationalization of websites?

Transcreation is a portmanteau of "translation" and "creation". Instead of simply translating source texts one-to-one, transcreation involves adapting the translations to the cultural conditions in the target country. For example, fixed idioms and proverbs cannot be translated word for word. Instead, a meaningful equivalent must be found in the target language. Country-specific features (e.g. holidays and units) and allusions to cultural backgrounds (such as novel characters, films or song titles) must also be translated into other cultures. As a result, the content can and in some cases must deviate significantly from the source text. A transcreation specialist combines the skills of a translator with those of a creative copywriter. 

How important is transcreation for internationalization?

In order to acquire new customers in the target market, high-quality market-specific content must be created. A pure one-to-one translation based on the core market can result in an inappropriate customer approach being chosen and local characteristics not being taken into account. In the worst case scenario, this can result in a negative brand image, a poor ranking in search engines and a loss of trust among customers. With transcreation, international website content can be individually adapted to the requirements of the target market.


Frequently asked questions

What goals can be pursued with a content strategy?

With a content strategy geared towards the company, brand awareness can be increased in the new market, traffic increased and search engine rankings improved. Other possible goals are to reposition the company and - of course - to increase sales.

What types of text are there on the web?

There are many different types of content in digital media: product and category descriptions for online stores, press releases for public relations, guides for products and services, encyclopaedias as a source of information or blog posts are among the most popular types of text. Each type of text has its own requirements in terms of content, structure, length, wording and tone.

What are the criteria for quality web content?

Web content must always be unique in order to stand out from the competition. Structural elements such as paragraphs, headings and lists promote the readability and comprehensibility of texts. The most important aspect of content creation: write texts for the reader, not for the search engine.

What is a transcreation?

In a transcreation, content is not translated word for word, but cultural and local characteristics of the market are incorporated into the newly created content. Only in this way can the specifics of each market be adequately taken into account.

International web content and website texts by the qwp agency

Michael Q

We support you in creating international web content for different target markets, countries and languages in order to attract new customers. 

Contact: Michael Quast, Managing Director
Phone: +49 30 48496622-0

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