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Agency for international terminology management

Our expertise:

  • Consistent designations for a Clear and precise communication
  • Databases for a Standardized corporate and brand language
  • International terminology management for websites, apps and online stores

It can be easy to get lost in the world of words. That's why effective communication needs clear messages and Precise designations - across all touchpoints. Only those who consistent communicates can consistent brand messages that strengthens customer trust and loyalty. As an agency for international terminology management, we ensure that your company has a Clear and understandable language speaks. 

"Using technical terms in a targeted manner while keeping an eye on the big picture - that's terminology. With linguistic and technical expertise, I ensure clear communication across all media and touchpoints."

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Maria Schütze
Terminology Consultant

How can terminology improve brand communication?

What is terminology?
Imagine you are at a business meeting and suddenly you get into a discussion about quantum physics. Complex terms such as "superposition" and "entanglement" fly through the room. This is terminology, the soundtrack of a specialist field. It consists of these special terms that represent clear, precise concepts. 

A concept is the idea or phenomenon that we want to describe. Consider the concept of "climate change". This concept refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns on a global scale that are largely caused by human activity. The label, on the other hand, is the linguistic representation of this concept - the word or phrase we use to describe it. In German this would be "Klimawandel", in English "climate change" and in Spanish "cambio climático". The concept exists overarchingly and in many cases independently of the language, while the terms vary from language to language. 

Terminology is the bridge that connects concepts and terms to enable precise and effective communication. Correct use of individual terms helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that we all mean the same thing when we use specific terms.

Why do companies need standardized terminology?
Unclear or inconsistently used technical terms can lead to numerous misunderstandings. This can confuse suppliers, business partners or employees, meaning more time has to be spent on clarification and the efficiency of internal and external processes is impaired. An incorrect designation can also be costly, e.g. if a large delivery is made for the wrong component. 

Unclear naming can reduce conversions on websites and apps. Especially in online stores, different names for the same products can lead to confusion. For example, if "jumpers" is used as a synonym for "sweatshirts" in one part of the store, but as a term for "overalls" in another part, this could lead to unintended purchases and ultimately more returns. In addition, inconsistent terms in the ordering process can confuse or frustrate the user, causing them to abandon the purchase. In some areas, incorrect terms or translations can even pose serious risks - for example, if different terms are used to describe the same treatment or medication in the medical field. 

Standardized terminology not only facilitates internal and external communication, but also strengthens the image of your brand. As an agency for international terminology management, we help you to determine and document the specific vocabulary for your specialist area and industry and make it available to all stakeholders - in several languages if required. 


This enables us to systematically develop terminology for you


Terminology management in companies

Terminology management for a standardized corporate and brand language
In practice, terminology management is a multidisciplinary task that takes into account both linguistic and technical aspects. There are now many specialized software solutions that can be used to conveniently maintain and provide terminology in a central database. All company-specific terms are stored in this terminology database together with their recommended translations and corresponding context information. 

The initial filling of this database can also be automated using software: Terminology extraction tools can easily extract the technical terms from their existing content. After extraction, the terms relevant to your company are forwarded to the terminology database for management, where they can be supplemented with definitions, context information and translations. 

The terminology managed in the database can then be made accessible to everyone who needs it - from internal employees to external editors and translators. Some terminology tools can be seamlessly integrated into content management systems (CMS). 

Throughout the process, terminology management tools can be set up to work together seamlessly. This integration makes it easier to ensure the consistency and accuracy of content across different front ends. As an agency for international terminology management, we will be happy to advise you on which software solutions are suitable as a tool package for your company.

Terminology management for translations
In our increasingly globalized world, multilingualism is indispensable in many areas.

Take the automotive industry as an example. A "Cabrio" in German is a "convertible" in English and a "cabriolet" in French. The differences in naming can affect the perception of the vehicle, especially in terms of prestige and luxury. Or think of culinary names: The French "chocolatine" and the Spanish "napolitana de chocolate" basically refer to the same pastry, but have different regional characteristics and could evoke different emotions and associations in the respective culture.

Another interesting example is legal texts. The German terms "Schadensersatz" and "Haftung" have different meanings - "Schadensersatz" refers to financial compensation, while "Haftung" refers to general legal responsibility. In English, however, both terms can be translated as "liability". Careful use of specialist terminology is therefore also essential for legal certainty.

In a multilingual terminology database, not only can all preferred translations be defined, but a precise definition, contextual information and usage notes can also be documented. Multilingual terminology management also enables your brand message to be communicated clearly and consistently in all target markets. Your texts then tell a consistent story - in every language, across every national and cultural border.


Which business areas can benefit from terminology?

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Terminology management

Frequently asked questions

What is terminology management?

Terminology management involves collecting, organizing and managing specialist terms from a specific area or industry. The aim is to ensure consistent and precise communication - both internally and with customers and business partners

What are the advantages of terminology management?

Effective terminology management improves the clarity and consistency of communication. This minimizes misunderstandings, increases productivity, strengthens the brand image and facilitates multilingual translation.

What is international terminology management?

International terminology management involves coordinating and managing technical terms across language barriers. This ensures consistent and precise communication in the various markets worldwide.

How can tools help with terminology management?

Terminology databases can be managed efficiently using special tools. They help to record, organize and distribute terms and their translations. This makes communication more uniform and precise - even across national borders.
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