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Agency for internationalization and localization

Our expertise:

  • Internationalization: Set up and roll out websites, online stores or apps internationally
  • Localization: Optimize content for each target market 
  • Result: Involving local target groups and addressing their needs  

As an experienced Agency for the internationalization of websites we support and accompany your successful path to global target markets. Our particular focus is on the Localization of content. This means that we don't just translate your web content into other languages. In order to optimally market your products and services locally, it is important to know and address local needs. Our native speaker experts prepare your content with first-class target market know-how. The result: in terms of structure, content, language and imagery Content optimized for local requirements. After all, you can only successfully gain a foothold in new markets if you address locally relevant topics and strike a chord with potential customers.

"Above all, localization is the key to success for internationally relevant content. Thanks to our worldwide agency network of native-speaking digital experts, we can also make your platform fit for global markets. Whether text, image, video or audio - with us, you will hit the right note with your local target groups."

Screenshot 2024 09 19 at 17.12.48
Michael Quast
Managing Director qwp
International online agency qwp

Website internationalization: content localization is crucial for success

Create target market-oriented content for international websites, stores and apps

Restricting your company to a single market limits its opportunities for growth. Even for market leaders who are always innovative, at some point it becomes difficult to tap into new customer groups in the manageable domestic market. If you are looking for new opportunities and real prospects, look beyond borders. By internationalizing your company, you can conquer new markets in which you can successfully market your products and services.  

In the digital age, the international scalability of a website, online store or app is a fundamental requirement before expanding across national borders. But is it enough to simply translate all content into other languages? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Because your potential customers can "tick" completely differently depending on the target market. Translation is therefore just one of several steps in the website localization process - i.e. preparing your content for the local requirements of the target market. What are the relevant topics and questions of your local target groups? Which technical terms and SEO keywords are commonly used locally? What linguistic, cultural and economic particularities need to be taken into account? All points that play a role in the context of your products and services in the target country are included in the localization process of your content. Whether text, image, design, video or audio - our native-speaking market experts prepare your target market-specific content in such a way that you strike the right chord with local customers. 

Optimally internationalize your website with qwp

Rely on our many years of expertise and our global network of experts for your internationalization, including for translation, content creation, e-commerce, online stores and SEO. From the first steps with a comprehensive analysis of the current status quo to planning and implementation, as an internationally active digital agency we support you throughout the entire process. Together with you, we not only prepare your website content in an appealing and locally relevant way. In collaboration with IT experts from the respective target markets, we develop all technical and functional aspects of your online platforms so that they can optimally present and market your products and services in line with the requirements of your potential local customers.  


The 5 most important aspects of website localization

  • In terms of language & content:
    Finding market-specific target groups and technical terms, incorporating locally relevant contexts and use cases 
  • Cultural:
    Adapt content to the cultural conditions of the target market, both thematically and formally (including date formats and time units) 
  • Transactional:
    Market-specific currencies, payment methods, addresses and character sets bring higher conversions in ecommerce 
  • Local communication:
    Local telephone numbers and addresses as well as customer service in the regional language increase trust among local customers 
  • Navigational:
    Navigation and structure adapted to target market-specific habits in terms of content and function for optimal user experience and greater "stickiness" 
A global online presence

What are the benefits of website internationalization?

Why more and more companies are focusing on internationalization

As global studies have shown time and again, e-commerce customers prefer stores and websites that speak their own language when shopping online. This creates significantly more trust and increases the likelihood of successful transactions for products or services. However, the use of country-specific partial microsites or the use of automatic translation tools are half-hearted solutions that generally only lead to unsatisfactory results and therefore low acceptance and little success with local end customers. A comprehensive internationalization of your web portal, online store or app is much more effective, but also more time-consuming. It is one thing to ensure that your platforms are functionally equally well positioned everywhere. In terms of content, the core objective is to optimally address and "pick up" your international visitors everywhere - regardless of the target market in the world. This is exactly what the localization of international website and app content. The aim is to ensure that all content - whether text, image, audio or video - strikes exactly the right chord with the target groups in each target market. Your branding and marketing messages are not lost in the process. Quite the opposite: they are adapted for each market as required - stringency and continuity remain fully under your control. The result is a specifically adapted approach country by country that builds and strengthens your brand image and local expertise in the long term.

What is the difference between localization and internationalization?

Both terms are often mentioned in the same breath, as they are directly related: internationalization generally refers to the further development of a product or service so that it can be used anywhere in the world. A website, online store or app is therefore technically and functionally upgraded and "rolled out" in other countries and languages. Localization plays a role here, but is a specific topic in its own right: it refers to a more precise specification for the individual target market. The aim is to take into account all local particularities resulting from linguistic, economic, political, cultural, geographical or ethical differences between the source and target markets. Both processes are mutually dependent - and ideally complement each other. A website internationalization has a particularly high chance of success if all localization tasks have been carried out efficiently. After all, only those who recognize the special local features and address them in the media have the potential to be perceived as a local player in the target market and get off to a flying start. 

Implement internationalization & localization efficiently

Checklist: Preparing technology, user experience and content internationally & locally

  • Top-level domain names with country code (ccTLDs): By using top-level domains, you signal to users and the search engine that you have set up a website specifically for the intended target market (e.g. .de in Germany, .it. in Italy). This results in significantly higher local customer acceptance.  
  • URL structures: Legible URLs create trust among users. Especially when using country-specific top-level domains, these are easier to structure but more cost-intensive. With subdirectories, country separation is a somewhat greater technical challenge. 
  • Design a localization-friendly user interface (UI): When developing a website design, it should already be taken into account that it will be used in different languages: Buttons can be larger or smaller depending on the language, the density of the characters can behave differently or the writing direction (Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi) can be different. 
  • Content Management System (CMS): Choosing the right CMS is essential for internationalization: The CMS must ensure that your web or app content can be provided in many different languages and maintained efficiently. 
  • Translation: Automatic translations are clearly not recommended. Instead, this should be done by native speakers, enriching your content with local terms and expressions. Both customers and search engines noticeably reward local relevance and quality. 
  • Indexing: When making a new start in a previously untapped market, attention must be paid to the indexing of the content: Which content is provided to the customer, and which is used exclusively for search engine discoverability and presentation on search engine results pages (SERPs)?  
  • Linguistic orientation of the website: On the one hand, you should take multilingual countries such as Canada or Switzerland into account, and on the other hand, you should also reflect demarcations within same-language markets. English, for example, can be used in many ways, but there are significant differences in England, the USA, Australia or Singapore. In addition, there is always the question of whether you want to or can offer all products or services in every market. The hreflang meta tag can be used to optimize content for all target markets. 
  • SEO strategy: Every country requires a different approach to search engine optimization (SEO). Market characteristics, country-specific keywords and different user behavior must be integrated into the SEO strategy. 
User experience & approach are crucial

Optimally localize websites, stores and apps

What is essential in e-commerce?

The biggest challenge in the internationalization and localization of online stores is to ensure that users from all international target markets enjoy using your platform. This is the prerequisite for transactions of all kinds - and can only be achieved by addressing the target group appropriately and using the right images, fonts and terminology. Locally justified modifications to the design or visual language can strengthen the user experience on site. You gain important trust points through the correct use of currencies or characters, for example. The integration of regionally preferred payment options within the checkout process is also crucial for e-commerce stores. Another plus point in e-commerce are local telephone numbers and addresses as contact options and customer service in the local language.

What should I bear in mind with international apps?

For apps, call-to-action buttons and navigation are particularly important. Everything must be labeled correctly to guide users perfectly through the process. Local requirements regarding characters, but also abbreviations that are often used in apps, are a matter of course for internationally successful apps. Careless use of supposedly international characters such as "thumbs up" can be a boomerang, because in some cultures this can also be an insult. The particular challenge in the internationalization process of mobile apps is to carefully check icons and buttons, use them appropriately and facilitate intuitive use.

Trusted by these clients

Basic rules

Best practice for localization & website internationalization

  • Strategy: Comprehensive planning, successive and prudent implementation. Develop a strategy that covers all target markets and enables the addition of further markets in the future. Define the goals, analyze the target groups, check existing content and decide which of it should be transferred. Plan the translation and check the quality of all processes at all times. 
  • Design: Establish a multilingual, versatile, customizable design that allows selective layout optimizations per language area. 
  • Content Management System: Efficiently manage, translate, localize and display international content with a modern and scalable CMS tool. 
  • Keep the source text tidy: A lean source code is ideal for all kinds of customizations. A clean structure and the removal of unnecessary code snippets not only facilitates crawling, but also the technical handling of the website. 
  • Use symbols sparingly: Symbols that are easy to understand in the domestic market may have a different meaning in other language and cultural areas. Careful research and sparing use can save a lot of trouble. 
  • No hard-coded texts or characters: These always have to be changed manually and are obstacles to efficient internationalization processes. 
  • Always keep an eye on users: Even with comprehensive analysis, user behavior can change or customers can react differently than expected: It should always be possible to react flexibly to changes. Ongoing usage analyses and agile, iterative further development are the basis for sustainable success. 

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